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Looking for a data integration solution?

Oracle GoldenGate can ensure that your data integration is easy, fast and cost-effective.


Oracle GoldenGate

Data Integration can be a major headache for organisations and common challenges include:

  • Moving data between multiple sources and targets, requiring creation of complex replication configurations
  • Migrating data to other databases and building data warehouses taking too long and disrupting transactional systems
  • An inability to provide efficient, real-time results from their data

Oracle is the world’s leading Data Management company and can help alleviate these challenges.

Oracle GoldenGate sets the standard in real-time, high-speed data replication. It migrates databases and can replicate and integrate data between heterogeneous systems for real-time data access, big data analytics and data warehousing. Availability features ensure always-on operational reporting and zero-downtime database migration with minimal impact to systems.

If you'd like to discuss GoldenGate further, please get in touch via the form and one of our Oracle Account Directors will be in touch.

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SailGP - Powered by Data

SailGP uses real-time race data and analytics to give them a competitive advantage on the water. Real-time telemetry is delivered across a data mesh built with GoldenGate and Oracle Stream Analytics.

Watch the video to hear how Ben Ainslie uses data to gain an edge on his opponents.


Contact us to discuss your project today