Machine Learning Consulting Services
Data is changing, are you?
Get in touch with a Machine Learning consultant today.

We're used to plotting data and 2D trends to deliver business insight, but the shape of our data is changing.
As our data grows, we use more advanced methods for analysis, but more importantly we can start to use Machine Learning to augment that advanced analysis with predictive outcomes.
If you’re struggling to know where to start with Machine Learning, DSP can help plan and execute a strategy which can lead to real business outcomes.
Contact a Machine Learning consultant today.
How can
Machine Learning
help your Business?
We build bespoke AI solutions to help your company automate, optimise and extract insights to improve your products and services.
- Clinical Analytics
- Early Diagnosis
- Automated Administration
- Demand Forecasting
- Price Optimisation
- Fault & Anomaly Detection
- Fleet Management Maintenance
- Revenue Analytics
- Volume Predictions
- Sales Forecasting
- Customer Sentiment Analysis
- Dynamic Pricing
- Fault Detection
- Estimating Remaining Useful Life
- Improve Operational Efficiency
Finance & Insurance
- Fraud Detection
- Cross Sell Predictions
- Underwriting & Credit Scores
Machine Learning
Machine Learning is revolutionising the world of business intelligence. As your data gets more complicated and the number of dimensions you need to model become more than just sales and geography Machine Learning is available to help solve these challenges.
Supercharge your business intelligence to go from forecasting to predictive insights.
Prior to billing, you can provide us with a problem brief and sample data, our team of in-house data scientists can then go to work investigating whether machine learning can help you.
This process involves data exploration, cleaning, and visualisation. The findings of this investigation will then be provided to you in a follow-up meeting, any problems can be addressed, and a project statement will be made - it's your choice if you would like to continue from this point onwards.
Model Building
This is where the magic happens. Model building commences, our team will proceed to create, train, and test machine learning models tailored to your data and your problem.
This is an iterative process during which we use our expertise to evaluate our selection of models, find the one with the best performance, and demonstrate to you how the model performs.
When you're happy with the value that machine learning can provide, we can either hand off deployment to you, or we can deploy the model for you. This involves containerising the model and deploying it to a location where its availability suits you. Whether or not we handle the deployment we can always provide maintenance, in order to fix problems or improve upon the model in light of new data.
Data Science Discovery Workshop
We combine our award-winning expertise of data & data platforms with your specialist business knowledge to identify & define potential AI/ML use cases.
Stages of Machine Learning Adoption
So you have data. Lots of data, probably - but how mature is that data? Where is it stored, how useful is it, and how much of it is even accessible?
Data Maturity
Before any Machine Learning magic can begin, we need to make sure that your data is mature and consolidated.
DSP will provide a Free Assessment to ascertain the data maturity within your company and pinpoint your next obvious steps towards unlocking your data potential.
Use Case
The next logical step in this series is to develop your Use Case. What do you want to get out of your data in order for it to be useful to your business goals?
We'll help determine the best practice Machine Learning methods, but first, we need a clear idea of the best way we can put your data to use.
Pilot and POV
Now we can get onto the exciting stuff. The Pilot and PoV are designed to give you a sneak peek into how the expanding capabilities of Machine Learning can improve your business intelligence.
It will also give us a chance to work out the best way of implementing our methods on a wider scale, so you know your data is in safe hands.
Machine Learning Deployment
The final step moves into the deployment of fully managed Machine Learning mechanisms that make your data really work for you.
Utilising Machine Learning can increase efficiency, save on resources, and speed up innovation within your company.
Bringing Machine Learning to you
Machine learning is an industry-agnostic tool, what we're offering to do is bridge the gap between your use case and our skillset. Below you can read about the various technologies and techniques we use to apply machine learning to various problems.
Oracle Data Science
Azure Machine Learning
Providing Access to the Cutting Edge
The myriad of platforms, technologies, and algorithms can make machine learning look inaccessible to small or medium-sized enterprises.
You don't need a team of 100 data scientists or a budget of millions to get started, we have the cloud platforms and the data scientists available, all you need to bring is the data.
We utilise the following ML methods:
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Neutral Networks
Ensemble Methods
Linear Regression
Ridge/Lasso Regression
K Nearest Neighbours
Bayesian Statistics
Support Vector Machines
Decision Trees
Logistic Regression
Principal Component Analysis
Linear Discriminant Analysis
Singular Value Decomposition
Latent Semantic Analysis
K Means Clustering
Fuzz C Means Clustering
Artificial Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks
Generative Adversarial Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
Random Forests
Extreme Gradient Boost
Customer Success
"Working closely in partnership with DSP and leveraging the power of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Science has enabled our team to gain new insights into how we can apply cutting edge machine learning approaches to help solve a challenging clinical need.”
“This partnership is helping us to develop mathematical models of how implants are programmed in the weeks and months following surgery, and once refined will have direct and immediate applications in the clinical environment for patient benefit.”
Hearing Team Lead | NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre
"DSP has helped the National Institute of Health Research to apply Machine Learning to enable the predictive programming of Cochlear implants; DSP understands Machine Learning and data so regardless of how industry-specific your ML problem is DSP can help unlock insights into that data and help build new ways of interpreting existing data using Machine Learning models."
Hearing Team Lead | NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre
Read on for more info on our Data Science solutions...
Business Intelligence Services
Business Intelligence services can help bridge the gap between your use case and our skillset. Our AI solutions are designed to help your company automate, optimise and extract insights.
Responsible AI
Alongside the valuable opportunities presented by Artificial Intelligence comes a sense of responsibility to individual businesses and the wider industry. Find out how we are working to practice responsible AI.
Scalable AI
Scalable solutions are one of the most sought-after elements of AI. Such solutions can be instrumental to realising your business goals in the short- and long-term, and ensuring that you are prepared for the growth and progression to match your business goals.